マコソイウォーターはその後、ラケンバ島からフィジーの首都スバに船で行き、そしてフィジーを出るまでの手続きをする。Biosecurity authorityとthe ministory of healthと2箇所でのチェックを受けて、今回は数本のボトルのうち1本に「Flower Extract (Cananga odorata)」(花エキス(イランイラン))と巻物がしてあった。そうです、イランイランです。トカイのスバのおうちはその名も「Makosoi plaz」、つまりは「イランイランの家」。まさにマコソイのためのおうちのようだが、残念ながらそこには名前だけでマコソイの木はないそうだ@^-^@
いざ飛行機。 飛行機に乗ってからトトラボに着くまでほぼ1週間。ちょう着いたときテクニカルディレクター、トカイ君とメールで話していたので「今着いた!」と言うと「志緒、チェックして。中のボトルが見たい。」とトカイ君。ラケンバからの長旅なので、こぼれたりしやしないかそんなことも心配になる。
Yesterday, new bottles of distilled water of makosoi, i.e. Ylangylang, arrived here from the island of Fiji, Lakeba.
Lakeba island which locates at the east area in Fiji is close to Tonga, far from the capital city Suva. My teachers of Fijian Herbal Medicine are Salote and Nena. Salote was grown up in Lakeba, and Nena and Tukai live there.
In Vakano, Nena and Tukai's village, there are several big makosoi trees.
It's just the best season of makosoi full blooming now, so we can wake up with the scent of Makosoi flowers.. Our technical director Tukai picked makosoi flowers with sharp, soft and yellow petals, and distilled.
Tukai took Makosoi Water to Suva by boat, and we did the procedure concerning to shipment to Japan. The water was checked in two organizations, Biosecurity authority and the Ministory of health.
One of several bottles was rolled with the sheet noted as "Flower Extract (Cananga odorata)" ..
That's right, it's Ylangylang.
Tukai's place in Suva is named as "Makosoi plaz", that is, "House of Ylangylang". It seems to be just a house for Makosoi, but unfortunately there are no Makosoi trees, just by name.
So, the next was on the airplane. It is almost a week until its arrival to Totolab, Yokohama in Japan, after its riding on an airplane. When the percel of Makosoi water arrived here, Tukai and I was chatting, so, when I say "It arrived just now", He asked me to check inside the box.
Because it was a long trip from Lakeba, we have to worry about the safe of the parcel, water's spilling out or not, and anything else.
I opened the box. Then the fragrance of the Makosoi was coming up lightly fluffy. All of the bottles were safe. I opened one lid. I cannot say anything, it is sweet and soft, also so fresh.
The island locates on a point of round earth, just a short distance from Japan.
People are cheerful, having wonderful family and good friends.. they welcome and be so kind to me who comes from a foreign island.
Not only the power of the plant itself. Herbs brought us a lot of matters related to them, including people's feelings and mind, and society's respectable culture, and so on..
Makosoi is always wonderful. But this year's Makosoi is specially wonderful.
..gorgeous like a jewelry..brought us the sea breeze of South Pacific Ocean from Lakeba.
Now, we have to go into processes such as checking, bottling, and making up as our products. We need more time a little, so, please let us let you know when we can release the products.
thanks, pals:-)